1. Introduction
Many situations can cause loss of life and property on vessels. One of these reasons is the occurrence of a fire on the vessel. Fire extinguishing systems are created to reduce the loss of life and property with certain criteria and rules determined by the authorities which state.
Fire extinguishing systems have different rules and applications in private, commercial, and military Vessels. Vessels used for personal and small commercial purposes are especially subject to rules by class authorities and flag states,
2. Marine Fire Extinguishing Systems
Marine Fire Extinguishing Systems can be classified as into three categories [1].
These systems provide water, gas, foam and powder base protection.
2.1 Water Based Fire Fighting Systems
Water-based fire-fighting protection systems protect machinery category A and special cargo spaces, local protection of
machinery, accommodation spaces, vehicle areas and cargo hold. Multiple spaces can be protected by one water-based system
The water-based fire-fighting system is designed according to related codes in the FSS Code, such as MSC Circ. 265(84) should be followed when protecting accommodation and service spaces. Water-based systems are usually manually operated and fresh water should be used in the first-place exempt car deck protection.
2.2 Gas-Based Fire-Fighting Systems
Gas based fire-fighting system protects machinery spaces category A and closed deck vehicle areas. The system is designed according to the related code in the FSS Code. Gases like CO2, Novec1230, FM200
2.3 Foam Based Fire-Fighting Protection
Foam-based fire-fighting system protects helideck areas and bilge areas in machinery spaces when these spaces are protected by water mist and deck foam systems.
2.4 Powder Base Fire Fighting Protection
Powder base systems are usually used in Bunker station production. They are used for fires with solid, liquid or gaseous substances and for metal fires, thus, they are used for fire classification A, B, C and D. These systems are used as fixed and portable on ships. Although the most common use of dry powder is portable fire extinguishers, it can also be used for tank protection in private boats.
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